Wage & Hour Check-Ups: Now is the Time to Perform Them!

9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Brandon Fitzsimmons - Shareholder Attorney
    Brandon Fitzsimmons is the head of Flaherty & Hood, P.A.'s labor relations, employment law, and human resources practice. Brandon represents, advises, and provides analysis for dozens of public employers in labor relations and employment law matters and has been with Flaherty & Hood since 2004.
Legislation has broadened and state and federal agencies are more aggressively enforcing wage and hour laws. Now is the time to perform a wage hour check-up related to: exempt and non-covered classifications, minimum wage, overtime, hours of work, timing and manner of wage payments, special wage and hour provisions, and notices and record-keeping. This topic describes items to address in a check-up and how to review and implement changes for your organization's wage and hour guidelines and practices.

Spotlight on Labor Relations Claims & Policies

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

  • Nicholas Garcia Lisle - Associate Attorney
    Nicholas K.C. Garcia Lisle is an associate attorney at Flaherty & Hood and practices primarily labor and employment law. He provides legal services in the areas of labor contract negotiations, personnel performance and conduct, mediation and arbitration, employment policies and procedures, wage, hour, pay equity, and benefit systems and compliance, workplace investigations, and organizational reviews.
Minnesota expanded the scope of protections under the Public Employment Labor Relations Act for unions and public employees and the Public Employment Labor Relations Board continues to receive and process unfair labor practice charges against public employers. Nationwide, the National Labor Relations Board is scrutinizing employer policies and expanding remedies for unions related to bargaining. This topic explores what steps public employers must take to comply with the new legal and federal regulatory focus on union organizing and administration, communications in the workplace, and negotiating labor agreements.

Balancing Act of Employee Leave Law & Administration

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

  • Christina Petsoulis - Senior Attorney
    Christina is a senior attorney at Flaherty and Hood, P.A. Her legal practice focuses on representing and consulting public employers throughout Minnesota on labor and employment matters, including duty disability and fitness-for-duty, litigation, labor relations, performance management, personnel policies, and data practices and open meeting law issues.
Regular and sporadic employees now have extensive safety, civic, and family and medical leave protections under law and even employer policies. Complying with and administering differing eligibility and conditions of leave in state law, federal law, contract, and policies can be difficult. This session will explore tips and tactics employers can take to establish compliant policies, practices, and forms to effectively administer leaves.

Health Insurance Landscape

2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

  • Dan Weir - CEO, Employee Benefits and Insurance Services
One of the most volatile and substantial portions of a public employer's personnel budget is health insurance. Employee demands, legal requirements, and labor market competition place health insurance as a priority issue for employers. An experienced health insurance consultant and broker will provide an in-depth overview and best practices for public employers to address health insurance issues.
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